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donderdag 23 september 2021 - 08:55
Omschrijving melding
Sorry, onderstaand artikel is in het Engels maar desalniettemin interssant en daarnaast belangrijk voor ieder die zich zorgen maakt over de effecten van vliegtuigherrie op zijn of haar gezondheid. Want de feiten liegen er niet om, de herrie en uitstoot vliegverkeer luchthaven Schiphol is nl een van de grootste niet te onderschatten probleemfactoren en heeft een enorme weerslag en impact op onze emotionele en fysieke gezondheid. De uitstoot van fijnstof en schadelijke gassen zijn in onderstaande artikel helaas echter nog even buiten beschouwing gelaten, maar kom ik later nog op terug.
Artikel; Aircraft engines are the major source of noise and can exceed 140 decibels (dB) during takeoff. While airborne, the main sources of noise are the engines and the high speed turbulence over the fuselage.
There are health consequences of elevated sound levels. Elevated workplace or other noise can cause hearing impairment, hypertension, ischemic heart disease, annoyance, sleep disturbance, and decreased school performance. Although some hearing loss occurs naturally with age, in many developed nations the impact of noise is sufficient to impair hearing over the course of a lifetime. Elevated noise levels can create stress, increase workplace accident rates, and stimulate aggression and other anti-social behaviors. Airport noise has been linked to high blood pressure. Aircraft noise increases risks of heart attacks. A large-scale statistical analysis of the health effects of aircraft noise was undertaken in the late 2000s by Bernhard Greiser for the Umweltbundesamt, Germany's central environmental office. The health data of over one million residents around the Cologne airport were analysed for health effects correlating with aircraft noise. The results were then corrected for other noise influences in the residential areas, and for socioeconomic factors, to reduce possible skewing of the data.
The German study concluded that aircraft noise clearly and significantly impairs health. For example, a day-time average sound pressure level of 60 decibels increasing coronary heart disease by 61% in men and 80% in women. As another indicator, a night-time average sound pressure level of 55 decibels increased the risk of heart attacks by 66% in men and 139% in women. Statistically significant health effects did however start as early as from an average sound pressure level of 40 decibels.