Datum en tijdstip start overlast 
maandag 12 juli 2021 - 06:30
Omschrijving melding 
Yet more unwanted noise pollution for the world’s worst neighbors Schiphol and the LVNL. They continually use my poor suburb as a dumping ground for THEIR noise pollution. The suburb is surrounded by farmland, not close to the airport, and yet Schiphol and the LVNL target the residential area for daily abuse. Today’s abuse started at 6.30am by flights coming from the east to land at Kaagbaan and went until 18.25. Later, even more extreme abuse inflicted by flights departing from the cursed Buitenveldertbaan from 20.20 till 22.05. Years of complaints to BAS simply fall on deaf ears and result in NO positive outcomes for residents. Schiphol and LVNL just do whatever they want and don’t even try to minimise the noise pollution they inflict.